Sunday, November 30, 2008

true true

true true i must admit, i acted kinda nuts abut the whole fairy thing... i went back to the mushrooms the very next morning and they were all dead, all but one, this was at about 10:30 am california time, my cousin and i took one of the mushrooms that were already dead and had bent down, and opened it up only to find that this form of "maggot" , or "larvea " had eaten the plant alive, thats why it was hollow and it couldn't stand up anymore. we built a house for the fairies, i of coarse knew that wat ever was in there was gone, but my 10 year old cousin insisted on biulding one about 2:23 pm clifornia time, the last mushroom fell over, we saw it with our own eyes, we tryed helplessly to stand it back up, but with no luck it kept fall back over. the reason they appeared to be melting is because they were decomposing, or it was a defense mechinism trying to get rid of the pesky vermin.
when we had lost all hope we turned around and another smaller shorter mushroom had grown, and i told my cousin not to mess with it, but she did anyway and she pulled it out of the ground, now its dead too...the poor mushrooms, she put it back in an attempt to "save" it, but it did nothing to help. the faries never came back to use the house we biult for them, they probably will never forgive us for messing with thier homes... ill have to see wat happens.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

these photos were taken from my back yard, they are mushrooms that have formed a circle, " fairy ring ",they also seem to be melting...why are they melting?, i will do some research and find out more about these , "melting mushrooms".