Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Legend of the Crimson Paw

In my family it is tradition, if a couple should have a litter of only female wolves to start their names with an X.... i was the only pup in my litter that is why my name is Xennaxa.

A story dates back to antient wolf history, Werpha and Rokye became mates for life and their first litter was of only females, they named thier pups, Ximara and Xuna.

The pups grew up together, they never fought they were the best of freinds.
When they were old enough to take places in the pack, they did not have the same thoughts.

Ximara wanted to explore the land, be free of a nagging pack.
While Xuna wanted nothing else then to be with her family.

Werpha allowed Ximara to leave the pack, Xuna became furious at her mother for letting her go.

"Why did you do that!", Xuna exclainmed ,"you know i can't stand to be seperated from her, what will i do now that shes gone? now my life has no meaning."

Hearing her daughter say these words drover down deeply, she couldn't stand to see her two daughters apart. Werpha tried to make it seem easier for Xuna, but nothing would work.

" Xuna stoped eating two days ago", Rokye told Werpha.
Werpha replied,"yes i know", her face sadened,"we must find Ximara before Xuna kills herself", Rokye nodded, and her soon sent off to look for Ximara.

"Ximara!!!!", he yelled as the frost from the blizzard niped at his face,"XIMARA!!!"

He had almost given up when he spotted a city up ahead, he thought," I wouldn't know why she would be there... but it would provide selter from the cold". He continued into the city.

He looked around for a protected allyway to rest in, but he saw nothing that was away from the ice blasts.

He finaly found a small spot where the wind could not reach and layed there and fell asleep.

He was dreaming of the day his two pups were born and how happy he was, right as the image in his dream moved to look at Ximara, he was woken up by a slam of a door. He looked up and saw feet chasing some one...chasing a fellow wolf! He imediatly jumped up and started heading off to intercept them.

He finaly came to an cross in the allyways, he sat and waited.

they finaly arrived and he look at the young female wolf with surprise. The same expression was on her face too.
" Ximara!", he yelled at her, she replied," DADDY!".

The humans still chasing her ran around the corner, one tried to grab her, his father instincts kicked in adn he defended her escape, he had injured one on the arm and scratched another on the face. He jumped backwards and stood in attack stance growling at them. They all turned at once and ran away.

He finaly caught up with his daughter, they were very happy.
he told her what had become of her sister and how she needed to return before Xuna died.
She agreed and they set off for the pack.

When they returned they were not vas happy as they had been two weeks ago.
Werpha had been killed, the even more tragic thing was, she was killed by Xuna.
The hunger and need had driven her mad while they were gone.

Rokye said,"why Xuna...why did you have to go this far."

Ximara set out in the night to find her sister.She travled for five weeks strieght, no sign of Xuna.
She finaly came to a Cat den about a mile from the howling forest.
She snuk up to take a peek and saw a fearful sight.

Her sister! being brutaly hacked up and eaten by the cats!!

She could not stand more of it and with a flash of anger her eyes turned the blodiest red and she murdered all the cats, the males, the females, even the children.

Ximara later returned with her sisters decaying corpse on her back.
Her paws the color of crimson, dyed from the blood of all those cats she had killed.

Her father told her later that night as her stared at her Crimson Paws,"Revenge is one thing, slaughter is another. have you tryed to clean off your paws yet?".

"yes, it wont come off" She said as she looked at the moon.

A pack member came up to her and asked ,"hey Crimson,are your sister and mother are watching over this pack?"

She answered,"every day, every night...they will never look after me the same way, just like my sister, she recived her fate, i shall too some day"

"but hopfuly that is a long way off"She smiled and looked at him.